Saturday, August 30, 2014

Organizing Tip and MiWorld Foolishness

Since I had a relatively easy time making the video where I asked for a doll's identification, I thought I'd try another one! It has voice narration as well as subtitles. Here's the actual dialog from the video and a few pics if you're unable to watch it:

"Because lack of space is always an issue, I've been taking a cue from the way My Fancy Life and Gloria package their play sets, which is very compactly.

The more brand name sets, like Mattel, Bratz, etc., have an excessive amount of packaging. So, I've started consolidating my sets by breaking them down and putting multiples in one box.

I'll either put a number to tell me how many sets are in a box or a graphic from the discarded packaging, so I'll know what's what.

While I'm doing this, I'm also going through and removing all the small accessories. I want to organize these into little storage bins to make it easier to find stuff, like so.

As I consolidate the sets, I'm also testing them out, seeing how they work and you know... playing with them. ^__^

Eventually, I got to the MiWorld sets.

This is Sprinkles and DQ. First impressions, I thought they were pretty cute. They seem well made and easy to put together. The colors aren't garish... or pink. They are simple pieces and not overly complicated. Even though the material is thin, it feels rather sturdy.

And then I tried to put the Sprinkles table and chair together. At first, the connections seemed to be easy. This small notch goes here. This larger notch fits there. Aaand they snap into place... but keep watching it. [chair shifts] You saw that move, right? I thought, "Hmm, let me try the table." Its pieces only fit one way too. Short end for the top and long end for the base. You poke it. And then you plop it. Get on there. There you go. [chair's leg falls off] Oops. I take a closer look to see why the leg wont stay put. It fits snuggly and nothing is blocking it. But watch. It just pops right out! What the heck?!

While I was fiddling with other stuff, the table fell over for no reason. I put it back together and watch... [table top leans over] *LOL* I try again. Will you fit! Okay, you think it's on but it's not. Just keep watching. [table top leans over] Really? Seriously? *scoff* Like... Whatever, man.

Other than the fact that you have to superglue it together if you want to use the table and chairs, it's got some very nice pieces... I guess."


  1. You are an inspiration when it comes to organizing you doll stuff! Do you think your Mi World stuff is maybe haunted??? LOL

    1. LOL, Phyllis. Haunted, no. Defective, yes! At least that's what I hope. I'm too full of doll stuff to be housing ghosts as well.

    2. I for one would definitely buy a haunted playset! It would go great with the Monster High dolls. I just wish it would manifest in a less annoying way... Apart from that, I like that the MiWorld furniture has simple shapes and absolutely no pink.

    3. LOL, Anderson. I dunno about that. Seems that the ghost attached to the MiWorld sets is a trickster. The Monster High dolls might not enjoy that.

  2. I love organizing posts! I really like your idea for storing the small accessories. And I'm smh at the MiWorld foolishness.

    1. Hiya, Jewell! Those little bead boxes are the best and they are really cheap at Michaels. Well, I got mine on sale for $0.99 but I don't know how much they are regularly.

  3. Hola, que buen video. Me gusta mucho como has organizado todo; tienes una gran cantidad de accesorios.

    1. Gracias, Lindaivette! Siempre me gusta organizar cosas y me mantiene ocupado.

  4. Hey Muff, great video! You're very tidy, an example for people like me ( = not organized at all but would like to be). The Mi World furniture does look lovely, it's strange what happens with the chair and table :-). Greetings, ex-Nymphaea X

    1. Thanks, Night Owl! (I like that name ^_^) Organizing makes me happy, but I know it's not for everyone.

  5. Your organizing skills have helped me a great deal. I have purged so much stuff it not even funny so that's a good thing.

    1. Brini, I'm glad to hear that my compulsiveness is helpful to others!

  6. Hello from Spain: I envy you. How many have Gloria furniture? I really like Gloria furniture but in my country are not for sale. I love the fireplace Gloria. I see that you have the box. You have a lot of furniture. The video is very good. Very inspiring. I have all my furniture and houses built in a room of muy house. I also organize small parts like you. Great job. Keep in touch

    1. Marta, I've gotten all of my Gloria stuff from Amazon. I pick the cheapest ones they have and then use my reward points to get it for free or as little as possible. That's almost 2 years of collecting them that you see there. I have more I want on my wish list but I have to wait until my rewards build back up.

  7. They probably should have used harder plastic for those table and chairs. It appears to be soft in the video and it's more susceptible to heat changes. Too funny, though. You could always call Ghostbusters. Their 30th anniversary just passed. I was quite impressed with the way Gloria furniture is packaged. Mattel could take some cues from that. They should spend less money on packaging and more money and getting the product right.

    1. Vanessa, I don't know what the cause is, because the plastic doesn't feel any different than that in the Dairy Queen set and its little table doesn't separate from itself. Just a quirky annoyance I'll have to deal with. I happen to have a little Ghostbusters set. I should put them on the case.

  8. Ok, did you hear a voice saying..."GEEEETTT OOOOUUUUT!" Lol, this was really strange. Mi guess it's safe to say no matter what manufacturer makes doll furniture, we need to keep super glue or a glue gun handy. Otherwise, stuff will get to leaning and swayin'. Lol, sorry...couldn't resist that.

    Nice organizing too. Once I get it together, I'm going to reference your organizing skills to get my craft closet/room organized. Nice post, Muff.

    1. "I guess it's safe to say"....see, my iPad is haunted too. Only my ghost gets a kick outta making me look like I can't spell. ;-)

    2. LOL, Tracy India! If I had heard a voice saying anything, much less "Get out!," I would have chucked that set at the wall and run away with a quickness. I'm not one of those fools who hears something weird and says, "Is someone there?" Forget that! I watch too many horror movies to fall for that nonsense.

  9. Nice video! Thanks for the organizational tips. One day I will be more organized, I am determined. :) You have an impressive amount of dolly stuff. I will avoid purchasing the hauntedly defective furniture items.

    1. Roxanne, I hope my set was the only defective one, lol. MiWorld has released a new Mrs. Fields set that looked interesting but now I'm hesitant about getting it in case it's haunted too.

  10. Cool video! Love the music and interesting to hear your voice.

    That table and chair almost stole the show though. LOL. Were they mugging for laughs? Showing off? Trying for more camera time.

    Thanks for the tips - especially the one about putting multiple sets in larger boxes. I'll get more stuff in that I-Girl camping box! Yippee!

    You remember I posted your earlier organization post to a dedicated Pinterest board called Reclaiming the Doll and Action Figure Zone. I would LOVE to add the video to that board. Since the video has your voice, I thought I would ask before pinning. In case you felt shy about your voice being online ;-)

    Thanks! Learned stuff AND had some laughs.

    Uhmmm ... I see that table and chair moving again. "Freeeeakkkkaaaayyyy," as the kid goes.

    1. D7ana, it's totally cool if you want to pin the video. I'd be honored. ^_^ I don't mind if people hear my scratchy voice.

      You'd be surprised how many sets you can get into one box - I know I was! Being able to merge 4 sets into one box has almost doubled my available space. Of course, I've promptly filled it back up with more stuff, lol.

    2. Thanks, Muff! My pleasure. Big help to some other collectors out there ;-)

      Your voice sounds fine.

      That's how things go with us collector/enthusiasts - collections abhor voids. Empty spaces fill up as soon as we clear them away. Such is the dance we enact. Dainty wrist to the forehead and dainty size 10s tap the floor a la Mystery credits.

  11. You don't have a scratchy voice, I found it warm and good to hear :-)
