Here's a video:
Here's some pics. ^--^
This was the only thing I purchased, a Harley Ken for $10. Everyone else probably has one of these, but I wasn't collecting when he came out so I was all, "GASP!" when I saw him.
I didn't photograph my booth since it was the same setup as last time. The show was great and I was so happy to sell out of the 50+ dolls I brought. One lady bought 23 dolls! She said they were for her grandkids. All I could think was, "Dang, Lady! How many grandkids you got?!" I gave her a stack of clothes for the dolls for free. She deserved it!
Per usual, I carry a doll with me when I travel but I rarely have time to take photos or I forget about it. This time I made an effort and took a few pics at the amusement park. People looked at me funny but no one said anything.