The local club is part of a much larger organization that I hadn't heard of until February, the United Federation of Doll Clubs. This is how becoming a member was explained to me, but I could be off on some points. You attend three local meetings. At the 3rd meeting the group votes on if you should be a member. If accepted, you now pay an annual fee of $40 to be in the club. If rejected - I have no clue what happens.
Meetings start at 11:00 am. The room was set up to seat about 25 people (16 were in attendance). There were banquet tables on either side and in front of the room. There was also a big flat screen TV in one corner. I'm going to relay how the meeting was run and then I'll give you my thoughts on it. This next part is strictly dry data:
11:00 - 11:30 Socializing and munchies
11:30 - 12:00 Secretary reads minutes of last meeting
Treasurer reports on funds
Old business is discussed
New business is discussed
Vote on new member
12:00 - 12:35 Member presentation on Tonner dolls
12:35 - 12:50 Socializing
12:50 - I actually left but people were still there.
Some pics and a very short video:
So, having attended, which I'm glad I did, I now know that this club is not for me. It was all very interesting, the ladies were quite welcoming and I really enjoyed the Tonner presentation. HOWEVER, because of my particular brand of neuroses, I found it ... 'uncomfortable' is the best word I can use.
The social aspect of it was more than I can handle. There was touching and bantering and mothering - all things a normal person wouldn't have a problem with. I have never claimed to be normal. I just want to see some dolls, do some crafts and call it a day. Too bad I can't walk into a group that's been in existence for over 25 years and say, "Look-a-here, ladies. Don't touch me, don't talk to me. Just show me your dolls and no one gets hurt."
Oh, well, it was an experience, but not one I want to repeat, unfortunately.